السبت، 16 أبريل 2016

Staying Focused : مقالة أجنبية

كتبت :عبير المطيري.

Staying Focused 

               You might know that staying focused is the most important thing   to do if you want to reach success.  And the  work would be so hard if you keep losing your focus plus you wouldn't do it the right way.

     Well here in this article I've searched and found some easy ways to stay focused and get your work done with success.

1.Get your work spot organized:
     Too much stuff within arms’ reach or atop your desk can prove to be really distracting. To stay focused at work, only have the things you need neatly piled on your desk — put the rest away properly, like in a desk drawer or shelves. Have an area for food and drinks, your bag or purse, and other personal items.
     But have them within reach so you can just grab a drink without losing focus on what you’re doing.

2.  Have enough water nearby
     Drinking water isn’t only healthy, it refreshes you as well. Once you feel the first sign of fatigue or hunger, a glass of water can push them away. Then you can finish what you’re doing and rest at a later time. Besides, not all stomach rumblings are signs of hunger, and drinking a glass of water usually deals with it.

3.   Make a daily "to-do" list and keep it nearby
      put your “to-do today” list where you can always see it, and cross out the "done" tasks. That way, you won’t be digging through your bag or finding that page where you wrote them.

4..   Stay away from social networking sites
      These sites aren’t meant to be checked all the time. So discipline yourself to log in only when you have extra minutes free.

5.   Take short breaks
      Before you jump in and say, “OK I will start sitting and focus on my work in some militaristic discipline way,” bear in mind – we need breaks. So take short breaks, not long breaks.  The breaks allows you to stretch a little and refresh your mind hence allowing you to stay focused better.

6..Practice not being distracted 
      Meditation is a great way to do this because it’s just you and your thoughts. If that’s not your thing, practice single-tasking throughout your day. At lunch, just eat. Don’t read the newspaper or check your email at the same time. In meetings, don’t doodle in your notebook or play with your phone.

     Finally, keeping yourself focused at work can be hard sometimes, yet you must do that.  I hope this article helps you as much as it should.  And don't forget that you always have to find your own way of staying focused but that doesn't mean you don't have to try at least one of those steps above.

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